We Power Innovation for Success

Innovating Beyond Boundaries

We Power Innovation for

As one of the world’s longest-established power companies, HK Electric has always prided itself on its world-class reliability of supply and excellent customer service. In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, we recognise that continuously driving innovation at all levels is key to our future success. Innovation is also a force generating sustainable solutions that will make a real difference to our world.

We Transform for
Better Performance

For HK Electric, transformation means enhancing our organisational performance to achieve long-term success. It involves making significant changes to processes, drawing up strategies to improve our performance and adapting to changing market conditions, customer and business needs.

We Collaborate for
Greater Synergy

Collaboration allows different stakeholders to bring a wide range of unique perspectives, skills, and expertise to the table to address complex challenges, often leading to innovative and comprehensive solutions. It also fosters better communication and understanding between different parties, building trust and enhancing working relationships to create win-win situations.

We Invent for
a Better Community

Innovation drives individuals and organisations to create new solutions to existing problems or challenges. By encouraging people to push boundaries and think outside the box, innovation has the potential to bring significant improvements to our daily lives.

We Innovate for
a Sustainable Planet

Enhancing sustainability and reducing carbon emissions are imperatives for today’s world, and innovation has a crucial role to play in achieving these outcomes.

We Craft and Create for
a Smarter Future

As a utility company in a regulated market, HK Electric faces two major innovation challenges. One is the upgrade or replacement of legacy infrastructure; the other is sourcing talent with the necessary skills to support innovation.