1.     Introduction.. 1

1.1       Purpose of the Report. 1

1.2       Background of the Project. 1

1.3       Structure of the Baseline Monitoring Report. 2

2.     Air Quality.. 6

3.     Noise.. 8

4.     Water Quality.. 10

5.     Conclusion.. 11

Executive Summary


This is an environmental baseline monitoring report for the operational phase of the Lamma Power Station Extension (the Project).  This report contains the background information of the Project.   Similar environmental monitoring work would be conducted to meet the requirements set out in the Licenses issued under the Air Pollution Control Ordinance (APCO) and the Water Pollution Control Ordinance (WPCO).


The Action and Limit Levels for stack NOx would be established from the NOx emission limit stated in section 3(b) of EPD’s guideline “A Guidance Note on the Best Practicable Means for Electricity Works”.


Continuous noise monitoring would be carried out for the EM&A (Operational Phase) of the Project.  The monthly average Leq's measured from January 2004 to December 2004 at the existing Ash Lagoon noise monitoring station (which will be the monitoring station for the operational phase) were regarded as the baseline noise levels for the EM&A (Operational Phase). 


Effluent discharges from the Project would be covered in the WPCO Licence.  The action/limit levels would be established from the limit levels/criteria to be stipulated in the WPCO Licence.



1.                  Introduction


As per Condition 6.11 of the Environmental Permit (EP-071/2000/C) for the Environmental Monitoring and Audit (Operational Phase) for Lamma Power Station Extension (the Project), HEC is required to submit the Baseline Monitoring Report to EPD.


1.1              Purpose of the Report


The primary purpose of the baseline monitoring prior to the commencement of the Project is to form the basis for establishing the criteria (viz. A/L Levels) for the impact monitoring.


However, unlike the EM&A programme for the construction project, baseline monitoring for the Project during the operational phase is not required to measure monitoring parameters of air and water quality at the sensitive receivers during a representative pre-project period.  Similar environmental monitoring work would be conducted to meet the requirements set out in the Licences issued under the APCO and the WPCO.  The purpose of the baseline monitoring report is to provide background information of the Project and the baseline data for noise.


1.2              Background of the Project


The Project involves the construction and operation of a gas-fired power station employing combined cycled gas turbine technology, forming an extension to the existing Lamma Power Station.  The following outlines the key elements of the Project including the new power station and its associated transmission system and submarine gas pipeline.


(a)    The New Power Station


Combined Cycle Plant


Six 300 MW class gas-fired combined cycle units will be constructed on the Lamma Extension.  Each unit will consist of a gas turbine, a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG), a steam turbine, a generator and a flue gas stack of about 110 m.


Gas Receiving Station


To receive natural gas delivered from a regional LNG receiving terminal through a pipeline, a gas receiving station will be required.  Received natural gas will be processed in the receiving station and subsequently delivered to the plant for combustion.  Major components of the station include shut-off valves, pig receiver, filter, gas heaters, pressure regulator, metering device, stack and protection system to ensure safe operation.


The Project area for the operation of new power station is shown in Figure 1.1.


(b)    Transmission System


The electricity generated from the Lamma Extension Project will be transmitted via a new transmission system linking the Lamma Extension to load centres on Hong Kong Island as shown in Figure 1.2.


(c)     Gas Pipeline


Natural gas for the new power station will be supplied via a submarine pipeline from a regional LNG receiving terminal located at Cheng Tou Jiao in Shenzhen as shown in Figure 1.3.


The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report for the Project, which was prepared in response to the EIA Study Brief No. ESB-001/1998 issued to Hongkong Electric Company Limited (HEC) by the Environmental Protection Department (EPD), was completed in February 1999.  The EIA Report was submitted to the Director of Environmental Protection (DEP) in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) on 23 December 1998 and was approved by DEP on 5 May 1999.


The application for Environmental Permit (EP) was submitted to EPD on 10 July 2000.  The Environmental Permit (EP-071/2000) was granted on 8 August 2000.  The subsequent applications and approvals of the variation of Environmental Permit are summarised in the following table:



Environmental Permit


Purpose of Variation

Approved by EPD

Environmental Permit (EP-071/2000/A)

25 November 2000

Shortening of various notification periods.

22 December 2000

Environmental Permit (EP-071/2000/B)

20 June 2001

Addition of dredging scenarios for reclamation work.

13 July 2001

Environmental Permit (EP-071/2000/C)

23 April 2005

Change of dredging and jetting rates for gas pipeline construction work, and change of the time period for which the pipeline jetting work is not allowed.

18 May 2005


1.3              Structure of the Baseline Monitoring Report


The structure of the report is as follows:


Section 1:     Introduction detailing the purpose and structure of the report.


Section 2:     Air Quality – presenting the zero baseline emission result.


Section 3:     Noise – presenting the baseline noise data.


Section 4:     Water Quality – presenting the zero baseline emission result.


Section 5:     Conclusion



Figure 1.1         Layout of Lamma Power Station Extension



Figure 1.2         Layout of Transmission System



Figure 1.3         Layout of Gas Pipeline



2.                  Air Quality


The environmental monitoring requirement of air pollutants emissions from new gas-fired units will be stipulated in a Specified Processes Licence issued under APCO.  The Licence will specify the emission limits in terms of concentrations and emission rates. 


At the time of writing this baseline monitoring report, the plant is still under construction and no environmental monitoring data related to air pollutant emission is available.  Hence, a “zero” emission baseline can be assumed for air quality monitoring.  Furthermore, no information regarding the licence emission limit is available, the action/limit levels would be established from the NOx emission limit stated in section 3(b) of EPD’s guideline “A Guidance Note on the Best Practicable Means for Electricity Works”.



3.                  Noise


Continuous noise monitoring at a strategic location (viz. the monitoring station at Ash Lagoon) for the critical noise sensitive receiver (NSR) at Hung Shing Ye would be carried out for the EM&A (Operational Phase) of the Project.  Baseline noise levels are required for applying correction to the impact noise monitoring data at the monitoring station. The location of the existing Ash Lagoon noise monitoring station is shown in Figure 3.1.


As the major noisy dredging and site formation works had been completed before 2004, the monthly average Leq's measured at the existing Ash Lagoon noise monitoring station from January 2004 to December 2004 can be taken as the baseline noise levels for the EM&A (Operational Phase) of the Project. 


The noise measurements at Ash Lagoon were made in accordance with standard acoustical principles and practices in relation to weather conditions.  The sound level meters used shall comply with International Electrotechnical Commission Publications 651:1979 (Type 1) and 804:1985 (Type 1). 


Baseline Data in Monthly Average Noise Level at the Ash Lagoon Noise Monitoring Station are as follows:



Monthly Average Leq Noise Level (dB(A))


23:00-07:00 of next day

January 2004



February 2004



March 2004



April 2004



May 2004



June 2004



July 2004



August 2004



September 2004



October 2004



November 2004



December 2004






Figure 3.1         Location of the Existing Ash Lagoon Noise Monitoring Station



4.                  Water Quality


Effluent discharges from the Project would be covered in the WPCO.  At the time of writing the baseline monitoring report, the plant is still under construction and no environmental monitoring data related to effluent is available.  Hence, a “zero” emission baseline can be assumed for water quality monitoring.  The action/limit levels would be established from the limit levels/criteria to be stipulated in the WPCO Licence.


5.                  Conclusion


Similar environmental monitoring work would be implemented in the future to meet the requirements set out in the Licences issued under the APCO or the WPCO. 


The Action and Limit Levels for stack NOx would be established from the NOx emission limit stated in section 3(b) of EPD’s guideline “A Guidance Note on the Best Practicable Means for Electricity Works”.


Continuous noise monitoring would be carried out for the EM&A (Operational Phase) of the Project.  The monthly average Leq's measured from January 2004 to December 2004 at the existing Ash Lagoon noise monitoring station (which will be the monitoring station for the operational phase) were regarded as the baseline noise levels for the EM&A (Operational Phase). 


Effluent discharges from the Project would be covered in the WPCO.  The action/limit levels would be established from the limit levels/criteria to be stipulated in the WPCO Licence.