Table of Content
1.3 Construction Works undertaken
during the Reporting Month
1.4 Summary of
EM&A Requirements
2.4 Monitoring
Parameters, Frequency and Duration
2.5 Monitoring
Procedures and Calibration Details
3.4 Monitoring
Parameters, Frequency and Duration
3.5 Monitoring Procedures and Calibration Details
4.1 Review of Environmental
Monitoring Procedures
4.2 Assessment of
Environmental Monitoring Results
4.5 Status of
Environmental Licensing and Permitting
4.6 Implementation Status of
Environmental Mitigation Measures
4.7 Implementation
Status of Event/Action Plans
4.8 Implementation
Status of Environmental Complaint Handling Procedures
5.1 Key Issues
for the Coming Month
5.2 Monitoring
Schedules for the Next 3 Months
5.3 Construction
Program for the Next 3 Months
List of Tables
Table 1.1......... Construction Activities and Their Corresponding Environmental Mitigation
2.1......... Air Quality
Monitoring Locations
2.2......... Air Quality Monitoring Equipment
2.3......... Air
Quality Monitoring Parameter, Duration and Frequency
Table 3.1......... Noise Monitoring Equipment
Table 3.2......... Noise Monitoring Duration and Parameter
Table 4.1......... Summary of AL Level
Exceedances on Monitoring Parameters
Table 4.2......... Estimated Amounts of Waste in December 2024
Table 4.3......... Summary of Environmental Licensing and Permit Status
Table 4.4......... Environmental Complaints Received in December 2024
Table 4.5......... Outstanding Environmental Complaints Carried Over
List of figures
Figure 1.1 Layout of Work Site
Figure 2.1 Location of Air Quality
Monitoring Stations
Figure 3.1 Location of Noise
Monitoring Stations
Appendix B Action and Limit Levels for Air Quality and Noise
Appendix C Environmental Monitoring Schedule
Appendix D Air Quality Monitoring
Results for December 2024
Appendix E Noise Monitoring
Results for December 2024
Appendix F The QA/QC Procedures and Results
Appendix J Tentative Construction
Appendix K Monthly
Waste Flow Table for December 2024
This is the 176th monthly Environmental Monitoring and
Audit (EM&A) report for the Project “Construction of Lamma Power
Station Extension” prepared by the Environmental Team (ET). This report presents the results of impact
monitoring on air quality and noise for the said project in December 2024.
The reclamation and submarine
pipeline works were completed with the first gas-fired combined cycle unit
(viz. Unit L9) commissioned in October 2006, working currently on base load
operation. To cope with the scheduled
retirement of the existing units at Lamma Power
Station, the second gas-fired combined cycle unit (viz. Unit L10) L10 was
commissioned for reliable operation in February 2020.
In September 2016, the
Government approved HK Electric to construct the third combined cycle gas-fired
generating unit (Unit L11) to implement the 2020 Fuel Mix Target. L11 was commissioned for reliable operation
effective in May 2022.
With the Government’s
approval to build the fourth combined cycle gas-fired generating unit (L12) in
July 2018, the associated construction work commenced in April 2019. L12 was commissioned for reliable operation
effective on 31/3/2024. The operational
EM&A work for L9, L10, L11 and L12 is recorded in the separate monthly
EM&A report for the Project “Operation of Lamma
Power Station Extension”.
With the Government’s approval to build the fifth combined cycle gas-fired generating unit (L13) in November 2023, the associated construction work commenced in end January 2024.
Air and noise
monitoring were performed. The results were checked
the established Action/Limit (AL) levels. An on-site audit was conducted once per week.
The implementation status of the environmental
mitigation measures, Event/Action Plan and environmental
complaint handling procedures were also checked.
Activities Undertaken
activities for Lamma Extension during the reporting month are tabulated as
Item |
Activities |
Unit L13 Foundation Works |
Bored pile work |
Monitoring Works
All monitoring work
at designated stations was performed as scheduled satisfactorily.
Air Quality
No exceedance of Action/Limit levels on 1-hour TSP and 24-hour
TSP for air quality was recorded in the month.
No exceedance of Action and Limit
levels for
noise arising from the construction of Lamma Extension was recorded in the month.
Site Environmental Audit
Site audits were carried out on a weekly basis to monitor environmental
issues on the construction site. The
site conditions were generally satisfactory.
Environmental Licensing
and Permitting
Description |
Permit No. |
Valid Period |
Issued To |
Date of Issuance |
From |
To |
Varied Environmental Permit |
EP-071/2000/D |
28/09/20 |
- |
HK Electric |
28/09/20 |
Construction Noise Permit |
GW-RS1025-24 |
15/11/24 |
11/05/25 |
Contractor |
07/11/24 |
WPCO Discharge Licence |
WT10002799-2024 |
17/05/24 |
31/05/29 |
Contractor |
17/05/24 |
Disposal Billing Account |
Account No.:
7049726 |
09/01/24 |
- |
Contractor |
09/01/24 |
Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures
Environmental mitigation measures for the construction activities
recommended in the EM&A manual were implemented in the reporting
No complaint in
relation to the environmental impact of the construction activities was
received in the reporting month.
Key Issues
The future key
issues to be considered in the coming month are as follows:
Unit L13 Foundation
to continue
monitoring the noise level during construction and to ensure compliance with the
CNP’s already obtained;
to continue executing the preventive
measures for avoiding noise exceedance and keep monitoring/ reviewing the
to monitor and review the sufficiency of the dust suppression measures
provided and increase the resources accordingly if necessary;
to treat wastewater in sedimentation pit and tanks for reuse
on water spraying and to ensure compliance with the WPCO discharge licence
already obtained.
The environmental
performance of the project was generally satisfactory.
The Environmental Team (hereinafter
called the “ET”) was formed
within the Hongkong Electric Co. Ltd (HEC) to undertake Environmental Monitoring and Audit for “Construction of Lamma Power Station Extension”
(hereinafter called the “Project”). Under the
requirements of Section 6 of
Environmental Permit EP-071/2000/D, an EM&A
programme for impact
environmental monitoring set out in the EM&A Manual (Construction Phase) is required to be implemented. In accordance with the EM&A Manual,
environmental monitoring of air quality,
noise and water quality
and regular environmental audits are required
for the Project. With the completion of reclamation and submarine pipeline works,
no further marine water quality monitoring would be required.
The Project involves
the construction of a gas-fired power station employing combined cycled gas
turbine technology, forming an extension to the existing Lamma Power
Station. The key elements of the Project
including the construction activities associated with the transmission system
and submarine gas pipeline are outlined as follows.
dredging and
reclamation to form approximately 22 hectares of usable area;
construction of six
300MW class gas-fired combined cycle units;
construction of a
gas receiving station;
construction of a
transmission system linking the Lamma Extension to load centres on Hong Kong
laying of a gas
pipeline for the supply of natural gas to the new power station
This report summarizes the
environmental monitoring and audit work for the Project for the month of
December 2024.
An Environmental
Management Committee (EMC) has been set up in HEC to oversee the Project. The management structure includes the
Protection Department (The Authority);
Manager (The Chairman of the Environmental Management Committee);
Environmental Checker (IEC);
Team (ET);
The project organisation chart for the construction EM&A programme is shown in Appendix A.
Works undertaken during the Reporting Month
activities for Unit L13 foundation works were bored pile work. Layout plan for construction site is shown in
Figure 1.1.
The main construction activities carried out during
the reporting month and the corresponding environmental mitigation measures are
summarized in Table 1.1. The implementation of major mitigation
measures in the month is provided in Appendix I.
Table 1.1 Construction Activities and Their
Corresponding Environmental Mitigation Measures
Item |
Activities |
Environmental Mitigation Measures |
Unit L13 Foundation Works
1. |
Bored Pile Work |
suppression in the main haul road. -
Using ULSD for
PMEs. -
Cover dusty
stockpile with tarpaulin and water spraying. -
was installed in site Noise
General noise
mitigation measure employed at all work sites throughout the construction
phase. -
Following all requirement of Construction
Noise Permit issued by EPD Wastewater
should be pumped to the sedimentation ponds for desilting process. After
that, wastewater will be re-used for construction activities or pumped for
storage. -
All wastewater
will be treated before discharge to fulfill the requirement of wastewater
discharge licence. Waste
Management Plan submitted and implemented -
waste will be store in the proposed storage area for recycled or disposal |
Summary of
EM&A Requirements
The detailed EM&A monitoring work for air quality and noise are described
in Sections 2 and 3 respectively. Regular environmental
site audits for air
quality, noise, water quality and waste management were carried out.
The following
environmental audits are summarized in Section 4 of this report:
monitoring results;
Waste Management
Weekly site audit
The status of environmental
licensing and permits for the Project;
The implementation
status of environmental protection and pollution control/ mitigation measures.
Future key issues will be reported in Section 5 of
this report.
1-hour and 24-hour TSP monitoring
at agreed frequencies were conducted to monitor air
quality. The
impact monitoring data were checked against the Action/Limit Levels as determined
in the Baseline Monitoring Report (Construction Phase). Appendix B shows the established
Action/Limit Levels for Air Quality.
Three dust monitoring locations were selected for 1-hour TSP sampling
(AM1, AM2 & AM3) while four monitoring locations were selected for 24-hour
TSP sampling (AM1, AM2, AM3 and AM4). Table 2.1 tabulates the monitoring stations. The locations of the monitoring stations are
shown in Figure 2.1.
Table 2.1 Air Quality Monitoring
Location I.D. |
Description |
AM1 |
Reservoir |
AM2 |
East Gate |
AM3 |
Ash Lagoon |
AM4 |
Tai Yuen Village |
It is agreed with EPD that continuous 24-hour TSP air quality monitoring
would be performed using TEOM continuous dust monitor and the MINIVOL Portable
Sampler at AM1,2&3 and AM4 respectively.
TEOM continuous dust monitors were used to carry out 1-hour TSP
monitoring at AM1, AM2 and AM3. Table 2.2 summarises the equipment used in dust monitoring.
Table 2.2 Air Quality Monitoring
Equipment |
Model and Make |
24-hour sampling: Continuous TSP Dust Meter MINIVOL Portable Sampler 1-hour sampling: Continuous TSP Dust Meter |
TEOM continuous dust monitor Thermo Scientific AIRMETRICS TEOM continuous dust monitor Thermo Scientific |
Monitoring Parameters, Frequency and Duration
Table 2.3 summarises the monitoring parameters,
duration and frequency of air quality monitoring. The monitoring schedule for the reporting
month is shown in Appendix C.
Table 2.3 Air Quality
Monitoring Parameter, Duration and Frequency
Monitoring Stations |
Parameter |
Duration |
Frequency |
AM1 |
1-hour TSP |
1 |
3 hourly samples
every 6 days |
24-hour TSP |
24 |
Once every 6 days |
AM2 |
1-hour TSP |
1 |
3 hourly samples
every 6 days |
24-hour TSP |
24 |
Once every 6 days |
AM3 |
1-hour TSP |
1 |
3 hourly samples
every 6 days |
24-hour TSP |
24 |
Once every 6 days |
AM4 |
24-hour TSP |
24 |
Once every 6 days |
Monitoring Procedures and Calibration Details
MINIVOL (24- hour TSP Monitoring):
of Filter Papers
Visual inspection
of filter papers was carried out to ensure that there were no pinholes, tears
and creases;
The filter papers
were then labeled before sampling.
The filter papers
were equilibrated at room temperature and relative humidity < 50% for at
least 24 hours before weighing.
Field Monitoring
During collection
of the sampled filter paper, the information on the elapse timer was
logged. Site observations around the
monitoring stations, which might have affected the monitoring results, were
also recorded. Major pollution sources,
if any, would be identified and reported.
The post-sampling
filter papers were removed carefully from the filter holder and folded to avoid
loss of fibres or dust particles from the filter papers;
The filter holder
and its surrounding were cleaned;
A pre-weighed
blank filter paper for the next sampling was put in place and aligned
carefully. The filter holder was then
tightened firmly to avoid leakage;
The programmable
timer was set for the next 24 hrs sampling period;
The post-sampling
filter papers were equilibrated at room temperature and relative humidity <
50% for at least 24 hours before weighing.
TEOM continuous
dust monitor (24- hour TSP and 1- hour TSP Monitoring):
The following
parameters of the TEOM model dust meters are regularly checked to ensure proper
Operation Mode;
Frequency of the
tapered element;
Main flow;
Bypass flow.
& Calibration
The monitoring
equipment and their accessories are maintained in good working conditions.
equipment is calibrated at monthly intervals.
Calibration details are shown in Appendix F.
All dust monitoring works were conducted on schedule. All monitoring data and graphical
presentation of the monitoring results are provided in Appendix
D. Key findings and observations are
provided below:
No exceedance of 1-hour TSP Action/Limit Level was recorded in the
No exceedance of 24-hour TSP
Action/Limit Level was recorded in the month.
Continuous noise alarm
monitoring at Ash Lagoon/Ching Lam were carried out to calculate the noise contributed by the construction activities
at the two critical NSR’s, viz. Long Tsai Tsuen/Hung Shing Ye and the
school within the village of Tai Wan San Tsuen.
The impact monitoring data for construction noise were checked against
the limit levels specified in the
EM&A Manual. With the availability of the
construction noise permits, impact monitoring for the construction work during
the restricted hours was also carried out.
Section 3 presents the details of the construction noise permits.
The impact noise monitoring data were checked against the limit levels specified in the EM&A Manual. Appendix B shows the established Action/Limit Levels for
In accordance with the
EM&A manual, the identified noise monitoring locations of Ash Lagoon and
Ching Lam are shown in Figure 3.1.
The sound level meters used
for noise monitoring complied with International Electrotechnical Commission
Publications 651:1979 (Type 1) and 804:1985 (Type 1). The noise monitoring equipment used is shown
in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1 Noise Monitoring Equipment
Equipment |
Model |
level meters |
B&K 2250 |
Sound level calibrator |
B&K 4231 |
Parameters, Frequency and Duration
Continuous alarm
monitoring was carried out at Ash Lagoon and Ching Lam. The measurement
duration and parameter of noise monitoring were presented in Table 3.2 as
Table 3.2 Noise
Monitoring Duration and Parameter
Location |
Time Period |
Frequency |
Parameter |
Ash Lagoon Ching
Lam |
Day-time: 0700-1900 hrs on normal weekdays Evening-time & holidays: 0700-2300 hrs on holidays; and 1900-2300 hrs
on all other days Night-time: 2300-0700 hrs of next day |
Day-time: 30 minutes Evening-time & holidays: 5 minutes Night-time: 5 minutes |
LAeq 5-min LAeq 5-min LAeq |
Procedures and Calibration
Continuous Noise
Monitoring for Lamma Extension Construction
The measured noise levels (MNL's)
were collected at the
noise alarm monitoring stations at Ash Lagoon and Ching Lam. The notional
background noise levels (viz. baseline noise data at
Ash Lagoon and Ching Lam) were applied to correct the corresponding MNL's in 30-min/5-min LAeq.
A wind speed sensor was
installed at Station Building Rooftop.
The wind speed signal was used to determine whether the
data from Ash Lagoon and Ching Lam noise alarm monitoring stations were
affected. The instantaneous data was discarded in case the instantaneous wind speed exceeded 10 m/s. The 30-min/5-min LAeq
was considered valid only if the amount of valid data was equal to or above 70%.
The sound level meters
and calibrators were verified by the manufacturer or accredited laboratory. With the endorsement of the Independent
Environmental Checker, the enhancement of calibration of sound level meter at
the noise monitoring stations was implemented.
The monthly manual on-site calibration using sound level calibrator was
replaced by the daily auto charge injection calibration function of the sound
level meter. For additional quality
assurance, manual on-site calibration would still be conducted for the noise
monitoring stations once every 6 months.
The manual on-site calibrations for Ash Lagoon and Ching Lam noise
monitoring stations were both carried out in August 2024. The next calibrations for the two corresponding
noise monitoring stations were both scheduled in February 2025.
Continuous noise
monitoring was conducted at the two monitoring stations at Ash Lagoon and Ching
All monitoring results and
their graphical presentations are provided in Appendix E. No
exceedance of noise Action/Limit Level was recorded in the month.
Review of
Environmental Monitoring Procedures
The environmental monitoring procedures were regularly reviewed by the Environmental Team. No modification to the existing monitoring
procedures was recommended.
Assessment of
Environmental Monitoring Results
Monitoring results for Air
Quality and Noise
The environmental
monitoring results for Air Quality and Noise in the reporting month presented
in Sections 2 and 3 respectively are summarized in Table 4.1.
Table 4.1 Summary
of AL Level Exceedances on Monitoring Parameters
Item |
Monitored |
Period |
No. of Exceedances In |
Plan Implementation Status and Results |
Level |
Limit Level |
Air |
1 |
Ambient TSP (24-hour) |
01/12/2024- 31/12/2024 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
Ambient TSP (1-hour) |
01/12/2024- 31/12/2024 |
0 |
0 |
Noise |
1 |
Noise level at the critical NSR’s predicted by the noise alarm monitoring system |
01/12/2024- 31/12/2024 |
0 |
0 |
Wastes generated from
this Project include inert construction and demolition (C&D) materials and
non-inert C&D materials. Inert
C&D materials comprise excavated materials and broken concrete. Non-inert
C&D materials comprise general refuse, metals and paper/ cardboard
packaging, plastics, chemical waste, etc.
Inert C&D material and
non-inert C&D material disposed of in December 2024 are shown in Table 4.2.
Table 4.2 Estimated Amounts of Waste in December 2024
Total Inert C&D Waste Materials |
Non-inert C&D Materials |
C&D Materials Recycled |
C&D Waste Disposed of at Landfill |
Chemical Waste |
5411.28 Tonnes |
0 Tonnes |
0 Tonnes |
0 Tonnes |
monthly waste flow tables prepared by the contractors are attached in Appendix
Site audits were carried out by ET on a weekly basis to monitor environmental issues at the construction sites
to ensure that all mitigation measures were implemented timely and properly. The site audit
findings for the reporting month are summarized in Appendix
H. The
site conditions were generally satisfactory.
All required mitigation measures were implemented.
Status of
Environmental Licensing and Permitting
permits/licenses obtained for the project are summarised in Table 4.3.
Table 4.3 Summary of
Environmental Licensing and Permit Status
Description |
Permit No. |
Valid Period |
Highlights |
Status |
From |
To |
Varied Environmental Permit |
EP-071/2000/D |
28/09/20 |
- |
The whole construction work site |
Valid |
Construction Noise Permit |
GW-RS1025-24 |
15/11/24 |
11/05/25 |
Foundation works for Unit L13.
Operation of PME during restricted hours. |
Valid |
WPCO Discharge Licence# |
WT10002799-2024 |
17/05/24 |
31/05/29 |
Foundation works for Unit L13 |
Valid |
Waste Disposal Billing Account |
Account No.: 7049726 |
09/01/24 |
- |
Foundation works for Unit L13 |
Valid |
Notes: # - Water quality monitoring was carried
out in December 2024 and the result of which would be reported separately by
the contractor.
Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures
Mitigation measures detailed in
the permits and
the EM&A Manual (Construction Phase) are
required to be implemented. An updated
summary of the Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule (EMIS) is presented in Appendix I.
Status of Event/Action Plans
The Event/Action Plans extracted
from the EM&A Manual (Construction Phase) are
presented in Appendix G.
Status of Environmental Complaint Handling Procedures
In December 2024, no complaint
in relation to the environmental impact of the construction activities was
Table 4.4 Environmental Complaints Received in December 2024
Case Reference / Date, Time Received / Date, Time Concerned |
Descriptions / Actions Taken |
/ Status |
Nil |
N/A |
N/A |
4.5 Outstanding Environmental
Complaints Carried Over
Case Reference / Date, Time Received / Date, Time Concerned |
Descriptions / Actions Taken |
Conclusion / Status |
Nil |
N/A |
N/A |
Key Issues for
the Coming Month
Key issues to be considered in
the coming month include:
Unit L13 Foundation Works
Noise Impact
To continue monitoring
the noise level during construction and to ensure compliance with the
CNP’s already obtained.
To continue executing
the preventive measures for avoiding noise exceedance and keep monitoring/
reviewing the noise performance.
Air Impact
To monitor and
review the sufficiency of the dust suppression measures provided and increase
the resources accordingly if necessary.
Water Impact
To treat
wastewater in sedimentation pit and tanks for reuse on water spraying and to
ensure compliance with the WPCO discharge licence
already obtained.
Schedules for the Next 3 Months
The tentative environmental monitoring schedules for the next 3
months are shown in Appendix C.
Program for the Next 3 Months
The tentative
construction programs for the next 3 months are shown in Appendix
All monitoring work at designated
stations was performed as scheduled
satisfactorily. The environmental monitoring works and site inspection were performed as scheduled in the reporting month. All monitoring results were checked and
No Action/Limit level exceedance on 1-hour and 24-hour TSP level was recorded in the reporting month.
No Action/Limit level exceedance on noise was recorded in the reporting month.
Environmental mitigation measures recommended in the EM&A manual
for the construction activities were implemented in the reporting month. No complaint
in relation to the environmental impact of the construction activities was
received in the reporting month. No
prosecution was received for this Project
in the reporting period.
The environmental performance of the Project
was generally satisfactory.