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HK Electric Investments



In determining the distribution amount, the Company Board has taken into account

the Group’s financial performance achieved during the period under review and its

stable cashflow from operations, and consider it appropriate to adjust the distributable

income for the six months ended 30 June 2016, as calculated pursuant to the Trust

Deed, by the above discretionary item, pursuant to clause 14.1(c) of the Trust Deed.



Pursuant to clause 1.1 of the Trust Deed, “Adjustments” includes, but not limited to (i) transfers to/

from the Tariff Stabilisation Fund and the Rate Reduction Reserve under the Scheme of Control; (ii)

unrealised revaluation gains/losses, including impairment provisions and reversals of impairment

provisions; (iii) impairment of goodwill/recognition of negative goodwill; (iv) material non-cash

gains/losses; (v) costs of any public offering of Share Stapled Units that are expensed through the

consolidated statement of profit or loss but are funded by proceeds from the issuance of such Share

Stapled Units; (vi) depreciation and amortisation; (vii) tax charges as shown in the consolidated

statement of profit or loss; and (viii) net finance income/costs as shown in the consolidated statement

of profit or loss.


The Trustee-Manager Board has confirmed, in accordance with the Trust Deed, that (i) the auditors

of the Trust Group have reviewed and verified the Trustee-Manager’s calculation of the above

distribution entitlement per SSU and (ii) having made all reasonable enquiries, immediately after

making the above distribution to the registered unit holders of the Trust, the Trustee-Manager will be

able to fulfill, from the Trust Property (as defined in the Trust Deed), the liabilities of the Trust as they

fall due.

Capital Expenditure, Liquidity and Financial Resources

Capital expenditure during the period amounted to HK$962 million (2015: HK$656

million), which was primarily funded by cash from operations. Total exter nal

borrowings outstanding at 30 June 2016 were HK$40,960 million (31 December 2015:

HK$47,217 million), comprising unsecured bank loans and debt securities in issue. In

addition, the Trust Group at 30 June 2016 had undrawn committed bank facilities of

HK$1,050 million (31 December 2015: HK$1,000 million) and bank deposits and cash

of HK$307 million (31 December 2015: HK$6,157 million).

Treasury Policy, Financing Activities, Capital and Debt Structure

The Trust Group manages its financial risks in accordance with guidelines laid down

in its treasury policy which is designed to manage the Trust Group’s currency, interest

rate and counterparty risks. Surplus funds, which arise mainly from provision for

capital expenditure to be incurred and from electricity bill collection, are placed on

short term deposits denominated in Hong Kong dollars. The Trust Group aims to

ensure that adequate financial resources are available for refinancing and business

growth whilst maintaining a prudent capital structure.