Table of Content


1.             INTRODUCTION.. 1

1.1       Background  1

1.2       Project Organisation  1

1.3       Construction Works undertaken during the Reporting Month  2

1.4       Summary of EM&A Requirements  2

2.             NOISE.. 5

2.1       Monitoring Requirements  5

2.2       Monitoring Locations  5

2.3       Monitoring Equipment 5

2.4       Monitoring Parameters, Frequency and Duration  5

2.5       Monitoring Procedures and Calibration Details  6

2.6       Results and Observations  6

3.             ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT.. 8

3.1       Review of Environmental Monitoring Procedures  8

3.2       Assessment of Environmental Monitoring Results  8

3.3       Site Environmental Audit 8

3.4       Status of Environmental Licensing and Permitting  9

3.5       Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures  9

3.6       Implementation Status of Event/Action Plans  9

3.7       Implementation Status of Environmental Complaint Handling Procedures  9

4.             CONCLUSION.. 12


List of Tables


Table 1.1......... Construction Activities and Their Corresponding Environmental Mitigation Measures

Table 2.1......... Noise Monitoring Locations

Table 2.2......... Noise Monitoring Equipment

Table 2.3......... Noise Monitoring Duration and Parameter

Table 3.1......... Summary of AL Level Exceedances on Monitoring Parameters

Table 3.3......... Summary of Environmental Licensing and Permit Status

Table 3.4......... Environmental Complaints / Enquiries Received in December 2006

Table 3.5......... Outstanding Environmental Complaints / Enquiries Carried Over



List of figures


Figure 1.1         Cable Route of Transmission System

Figure 2.1         Location of Manual Noise Monitoring





Appendix A      Organization Chart

Appendix B      Action and Limit Levels for Noise

Appendix C      Environmental Monitoring Schedule

Appendix D      Noise Monitoring Results for December 2006

Appendix E      The QA/QC Procedures and Results

Appendix F      Event/Action Plans

Appendix G      Site Audit Summary

Appendix H      Summary of EMIS







This is the sixty-ninth monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) report for the Project “Construction of Lamma Power Station Extension” prepared by the Environmental Team (ET).  This report presents the results of impact monitoring on noise for the said project in December 2006.


With the completion of erection works and a series of commissioning tests for Unit L9, the operational EM&A for Lamma Extension has commenced on 15 October 2006.  The monthly EM&A report for Lamma Extension operation is submitted under a separate cover.  The remaining construction work for the transmission system associated with Unit L9 was completed in December 2006.  This is the last monthly EM&A report for the construction of Unit L9.


Noise monitoring was performed. The results were checked against the established Action/Limit (AL) levels.  An on-site audit was conducted once per week. The implementation status of the environmental mitigation measures, Event/Action Plan and environmental complaint handling procedures were also checked.


Construction Activities Undertaken


Construction activities for Lamma Extension during the reporting month are tabulated as follows:



Construction Activities

Transmission System

Backfilling above portal structure for Cable Duct 2 and cable trench from N4 landing point to Cable Duct no.2 Entrance


Slurry ash piping & filling 


Environmental Monitoring Works


All monitoring work at designated stations was performed as scheduled satisfactorily.




No exceedance of Action and Limit levels for noise arising from the construction of Transmission System was recorded in the reporting month. 


Site Environmental Audit


Site audits were carried out on a weekly basis to monitor environmental issues on the construction site.  The site conditions were generally satisfactory.  All required mitigation measures were implemented.


Environmental Licensing and Permitting



Permit No.

Valid Period

Issued To

Date of Issuance



Varied Environmental Permit






Registration of Chemical Waste Producer






WPCO Discharge Licence

EP890/W2/XD008 (V.1)





APCO Specified Process Licence







Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures

Environmental mitigation measures for the construction activities as recommended in the EM&A manual were implemented in the reporting month.


Environmental Complaints

No complaint against the construction activities was received in the reporting month. 


Concluding Remarks

The environmental performance of the project was generally satisfactory.


1.             INTRODUCTION


1.1         Background


The Environmental Team (hereinafter called the “ET”) was formed within the Hongkong Electric Co. Ltd (HEC) to undertake Environmental Monitoring and Audit for Construction of Lamma Power Station Extension” (hereinafter called the “Project”).  Under the requirements of Section 6 of Environmental Permit EP-071/2000/C, an EM&A programme for impact environmental monitoring set out in the EM&A Manual (Construction Phase) is required to be implemented.  In accordance with the EM&A Manual, environmental monitoring of air quality, noise and water quality and regular environmental audits are required for the Project. As the post-project marine water monitoring was successfully completed in September 2002, no further water quality monitoring for the reclamation works would be required.  The air quality and noise monitoring for the construction of Unit L9 has also been successfully completed in mid October 2006. 


The Project involves the construction of a gas-fired power station employing combined cycled gas turbine technology, forming an extension to the existing Lamma Power Station.  The key elements of the Project including the construction activities associated with the transmission system and submarine gas pipeline are outlined as follows.


·          dredging and reclamation to form approximately 22 hectares of usable area;

·          construction of six 300MW class gas-fired combined cycle units;

·          construction of a gas receiving station;

·          construction of a new transmission system linking the Lamma Extension to load centres on Hong Kong Island;

·          laying of a gas pipeline for the supply of natural gas to the new power station


This report summarizes the environmental monitoring and audit work for the Project for the month of December 2006.



1.2         Project Organisation


An Environmental Management Committee (EMC) has been set up in HEC to oversee the Project.  The management structure includes the following:


·          Environmental Protection Department (The Authority);

·          Environmental Manager (The Chairman of the Environmental Management Committee);

·          Engineer;

·          Independent Environmental Checker (IEC);

·          Environmental Team (ET);

·          Contractor.


The project organisation chart for the construction EM&A programme is shown in Appendix A.



1.3         Construction Works undertaken during the Reporting Month


The remaining construction work for the transmission system associated with Unit L9 was completed in December 2006.  The construction activities were backfilling above portal structure for Cable Duct 2 and cable trench from N4 landing point to Cable Duct no.2 Entrance.  Layout plan for and transmission system are shown in Figure 1.1.


The main construction activities carried out during the reporting month and the corresponding environmental mitigation measures are summarized in Table 1.1.  The implementation of major mitigation measures in the month is provided in Appendix H. 



Table 1.1    Construction Activities and Their Corresponding Environmental Mitigation Measures



Construction Activities

Environmental Mitigation Measures

Construction of Transmission System


Backfilling above portal structure for Cable Duct 2 and cable trench from N4 landing point to Cable Duct no.2 Entrance

Terrestrial Ecology

-                   Special care and close monitoring to avoid disturbances to the rare plant species.

-                   Temporary fire fighting equipment provided within the work area during construction.



Slurry ash piping & filling


-                   General noise mitigation measures implemented and silent type equipment deployed.



1.4         Summary of EM&A Requirements


The EM&A program requires environmental monitoring for air, noise and water quality. As the post-project marine water monitoring was successfully completed in September 2002, no further water quality monitoring for the reclamation works would be required.    The air quality and noise monitoring for the construction of Unit L9 has also been successfully completed in mid October 2006.  The detailed EM&A noise monitoring work for the transmission system are described in Section 2. Regular environmental site audits were carried out.  


The following environmental audits are summarized in Section 4 of this report:


·          Environmental monitoring results;

·          Waste Management Records;

·          Weekly site audit results;

·          The status of environmental licensing and permits for the Project;

·          The implementation status of environmental protection and pollution control/ mitigation measures.





Figure 1.1    Cable Route of Transmission System


2.             NOISE


2.1         Monitoring Requirements


Manual noise measurements at Pak Kok Tsui residences were carried out for the construction work of Transmission System in this reporting month.  The impact noise monitoring data were checked against the limit levels specified in the EM&A Manual.  Appendix B shows the established Action/Limit Levels for noise.



2.2         Monitoring Locations


In accordance with the EM&A manual, the identified noise monitoring locations are listed in Table 2.1 and shown in Figure 2.1.


Table 2.1    Noise Monitoring Locations


Purpose of noise monitoring

Monitoring Location

Transmission System

Pak Kok Tsui residences (No.2 and No.8)



2.3         Monitoring Equipment


The sound level meter used for noise monitoring complied with International Electrotechnical Commission Publications 651:1979 (Type 1) and 804:1985 (Type 1).  The noise monitoring equipment used is shown in Table 2.2.


Table 2.2            Noise Monitoring Equipment




Sound level meter

Rion NL-31

Sound level calibrator

Rion NC-74



2.4         Monitoring Parameters, Frequency and Duration


Manual noise monitoring was conducted at Pak Kok Tsui residences.  The measurement duration and parameter of noise monitoring were presented in Table 2.3 as follows:


Table 2.3    Noise Monitoring Duration and Parameter



Time Period



Pak Kok Tsui residences

0700-1900 hrs on normal weekdays

Twice per week

30-min LAeq



2.5         Monitoring Procedures and Calibration Details


Manual Noise Monitoring for Transmission System Construction


Manual noise measurements were carried out at the Pak Kok Tsui residences in accordance with standard acoustical principles and practices for checking the impact of noise related to construction of the Transmission System.


Hand‑held anemometer was used to measure the wind speed while taking noise measurements.  If the wind speed is excessive, noise data will be discarded and re-measured.


Equipment Calibration


The sound level meters and calibrators have been verified by the manufacturer or accredited laboratory.   


The sound level meters used for manual noise measurement were calibrated with a sound level calibrator immediately before and after noise measurement in accordance with the relevant Technical Memoranda under the Noise Control Ordinance.  Calibration details are shown in Appendix E.



2.6         Results and Observations


Manual noise monitoring was carried out at the Pak Kok Tsui residences. 


All monitoring results and their graphical presentations are provided in Appendix D.  No exceedance of noise Action/Limit Level was recorded in the month.



Figure 2.1    Locations of Manual Noise Monitoring




3.1         Review of Environmental Monitoring Procedures


The environmental monitoring procedures were regularly reviewed by the Environmental Team.  No modification to the existing monitoring procedures was recommended.



3.2         Assessment of Environmental Monitoring Results


Monitoring results for Noise


The environmental monitoring results for Noise in the reporting month presented in Section 2 are summarized in Table 3.1.



Table 3.1    Summary of AL Level Exceedances on Monitoring Parameters



Parameter Monitored

Monitoring Period

No. of Exceedances In

Event/Action Plan Implementation Status and Results

Action Level





Manual noise monitoring at the Pak Kok Tsui residences







3.3         Site Environmental Audit


Site audits were carried out by ET on a weekly basis to monitor environmental issues at the construction sites to ensure that all mitigation measures were implemented timely and properly.  The site conditions were generally satisfactory.  All required mitigation measures were implemented.  The weekly site inspection results are attached in Appendix G.



3.4         Status of Environmental Licensing and Permitting


All permits/licenses obtained for the project are summarised in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3    Summary of Environmental Licensing and Permit Status



Permit No.

Valid Period





Varied Environmental Permit








The whole construction work site


Registration of Chemical Waste Producer




Major Chemical Waste Type: Spent lubricating oil, spent battery, contaminated soil with spent flammable liquid



WPCO Discharge Licence

EP890/W2/XD008 (V.1)



Lamma Power Station and Extension


APCO Specified Process Licence




Lamma Power Station Extension




3.5         Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures


Mitigation measures detailed in the permits and the EM&A Manual (Construction Phase) are required to be implemented.  An updated summary of the Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule (EMIS) is presented in Appendix H.



3.6         Implementation Status of Event/Action Plans


The Event/Action Plans extracted from the EM&A Manual (Construction Phase) are presented in Appendix F.



3.7         Implementation Status of Environmental Complaint Handling Procedures


In December 2006, no complaint against the construction activities was received.


Table 3.4    Environmental Complaints / Enquiries Received in December 2006


Case Reference /

Date, Time Received /

Date, Time Concerned

Descriptions /Actions Taken

Conclusion /











Table 3.5    Outstanding Environmental Complaints / Enquiries Carried Over


Case Reference /

Date, Time Received /

Date, Time Concerned

Descriptions /Actions Taken

Conclusion /











4.             CONCLUSION


All monitoring work at designated stations was performed as scheduled satisfactorily.  The environmental monitoring works and site inspection were performed as scheduled in the reporting month.  All monitoring results were checked and reviewed.


No Action/Limit level exceedance on noise was recorded in the reporting month.


Environmental mitigation measures recommended in the EM&A manual for the construction activities were implemented in the reporting month.  No complaint against the construction activities was received in the reporting month.  No prosecution was received for this Project in the reporting period.


The environmental performance of the Project was generally satisfactory.  This is the last monthly EM&A report for the construction of Unit L9.